D. Lidzey | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
C. Dietrich | Germany
| University of Wurzburg
P. Lagoudakis | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
A. Kavokin | Russia/United Kingdom | University of St Petersburg/University of Southampton |
P. Savvidis | Greece | University of Crete & FORTH |
G. Deligeorgis | Greece | University of Crete & FORTH |
T. Liew | Singapore | Nanyang Technological University |
L. Vina | Spain | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
C. Tejedor | Spain | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
H. Ohadi | United Kingdom | University of Cambridge |
E. Ostrovskaya | Australia | Australian National University |
A. Bramati | France | Ecole Normale Supérieure and CNRS |
M. Potemski | France | Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses - Grenoble |
I.D.W. Samuel | United Kingdom | University of St Andrews |
D. Krizhanovskii | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
O.V. Kibis | Russia | Novosibirsk State Technical University |
M.R. Antognazza | Italy | Italian Institute of Technology (ITT) |
F. Laussy | Spain | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
O. Kyriienko | Denmark | University of Copenhagen |
O.Egorov | Germany | Friedrich-Schiller-University |
N. Gippius | Russia | Skoltech |
H. Flayaс | Switzerland | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CNRS) |
M. Matuszewski | Poland | Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) |
A. Nalitov | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
S. De Liberato | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
C. Schneider | Germany | University of Wurzburg |
B. Piętka | Poland | University of Warsaw |
I. Savenko | South Korea | Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon |
V. Apostolopoulos | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
N. Parasimakis | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
S. Mailis | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
N. Healy | United Kingdom | Newcastle University |
S. Kutrovskaya | Russian Federation | Stoletovs' Vladimir State University |
A. Trifonov | Russian Federation | St Petersburg State University |
A. Tartakovsii | United Kingdom | University of Sheffield |
J. Szczytko | Poland | Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, IBS |
A. Askitopoulos | United Kingdom | University of Southampton
J. Schmitt
| Germany | University of Bonn |
M. Silva | United Kingdom | University of Southampton |
Participants | | |
Name | Country | University |
R. Mirek | University of Warsaw
| Poland |
N. Bobrovska | Poland | Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Science |
K. Lekenta | Poland | University of Warsaw
M. Krol | Poland | University of Warsaw
E.Khutsishvili | Georgia | Tbilisi State University |
N. Kekelidze | Georgia | Tbilisi State University |
J.C.L. Carreno
| Spain
| Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
S. Meng | Republic of South Korea | IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
P. Asatiani | Georgia | Georgian Technical University |